To get a quote from us for a House Raise you will need to provide a set of structural drawings. Usually the first step in doing this is to see a draftsman/architect and then the structural drawings can be done. This is also the information you will need to get council approval. We can not give you an accurate quote without this information but are more than willing to help with any inquiries and give you a rough verbal estimate.
Depending on the size of the house the price can vary, from a small 2 bedroom house $15 000 to $17 000. A 3 bedroom house $ 18 000 to $26 000. A large 3 bedroom house $22 000 to $30 000. All these prices are an approximate so as to give a general idea of the costs involved. (These prices do not include the cost of plans, disconnection or reconnection of services, stairs or new concrete slab) FOR A WRITTEN QUOTE WE WILL NEED THE STRUCTURAL PLANS.